Success Stories

We are proud of the fact that 100% of all current clients have come to us via recommendation. We are your partner, your colleague, your peer and your ally. We work extremely hard and take genuine responsibility for your PR success.

At Origin Comms, we make it our priority to understand your business; to work alongside your teams; to share our years of experience and to form a strategy to help you focus on effective communications with critical audiences and stakeholders. From start-ups to industry leaders, we understand what differentiates a business from the competition. We are specialists in technology PR and have decades of experience. We are able to tell a client's story in a way that makes it stand out from the crowd. Our clients have been delighted, indeed enthused, by what we have been able to do for them regardless of time or budgetary restraints.

Please click on the links below to see some examples of our work in infographic style.

Infosecurity Europe 2022
A round up of build-up PR support and Press Office Management for Europe’s Largest Infosecurity Event.
West Midlands Police Become First Force to Deploy Exterro’s Pioneering Cloud-Based Digital Forensics Platform and Surpass Digital Forensic Science Strategy Goal
The industry’s first provider of Legal GRC software, which unifies e-discovery, digital forensics and data privacy to drive successful, defensible outcomes for in-house legal, IT teams, privacy and law enforcement worldwide, today announced that the West Midlands Police are the first force to deploy its cloud-based digital forensics platform.
The Power of Research and Statistics as a PR Tool
These days, most security firewalls and anti-malware software do a good job of protecting end users, employees and companies from cyber attacks. However, our clients have told us about a surge in so-called HEAT cyber attacks, which are tricky to detect and prevent.