Success Stories

We are proud of the fact that 100% of all current clients have come to us via recommendation. We are your partner, your colleague, your peer and your ally. We work extremely hard and take genuine responsibility for your PR success.

At Origin Comms, we make it our priority to understand your business; to work alongside your teams; to share our years of experience and to form a strategy to help you focus on effective communications with critical audiences and stakeholders. From start-ups to industry leaders, we understand what differentiates a business from the competition. We are specialists in technology PR and have decades of experience. We are able to tell a client's story in a way that makes it stand out from the crowd. Our clients have been delighted, indeed enthused, by what we have been able to do for them regardless of time or budgetary restraints.

Please click on the links below to see some examples of our work in infographic style.

How can PR professionals use AI tools to their advantage?
The past few years has seen the rise of AI technology of the likes we have never seen before. However, with such mixed conversations being had over the technology, it is an undeniably interesting and pertinent topic to talk about.
The White Hat Ball 2022
These days, most security firewalls and anti-malware software do a good job of protecting end users, employees and companies from cyber attacks. However, our clients have told us about a surge in so-called HEAT cyber attacks, which are tricky to detect and prevent.
Cybersecurity in the Financial Services Sector

Financial services companies such as banks, credit unions, credit card companies and investment banks are of course entrusted with lots of personally identifiable information (PII) that has historically made the sector a key target for cybercriminals.

financial services cyber threats

Many industries have been making a gradual move to a new digital way of working over the last few years, and the COVID-19 pandemic sped this up dramatically. Read more here

The Rising Trend of HEAT Cyber Attacks
These days, most security firewalls and anti-malware software do a good job of protecting end users, employees and companies from cyber attacks. However, our clients have told us about a surge in so-called HEAT cyber attacks, which are tricky to detect and prevent.
Cybersecurity in 2022: What Are The Experts Saying?
A Cybersecurity Ventures report states that cybercrime will cost the world $10.5 trillion annually by 2025. Closer to home, what will cybersecurity look like in 2022? We’ve asked around and compiled a list of trends we can expect to see in 2022
How To Do Your Part and #BeCyberSmart
October is cybersecurity awareness month, and it's never been more important to what to look out for online. The internet is a wonderful resource for knowledge, sharing and connection (particularly in the last 18 months). Sadly, its popularity also makes it the ideal target for hackers
What Are The Tech Giants Doing About Cybersecurity?
October marks Cybersecurity Awareness Month, and with importance of Cybersecurity now amplified by some world leaders, we run through what a number of the tech giants' plans are to combat this issue