The Power of Research and Statistics as a PR Tool

When discussing effective PR, producing quality, relevant content should be at the forefront of any strategy. The recent Origins Comms Media Consumption Report for 2021 found that “74% of decision-makers say that trust is the biggest factor when choosing where to get IT security information.” Research and statistics are two of the most important components when developing and executing a successful communication strategy. They help provide more confidence in the brand to achieve productive results from a campaign.

Strong news stories are often supported by fresh data and statistics. Using this tool in your PR strategy adds credibility not only to your campaign, but to your business and ensures accurate and impactful content. The process of gathering and analysing data from the market itself generally provides companies with an accurate and quantifiable insight into what their competitors are doing, what their target audience responds well to and any opportunities to connect with clients.

When it comes to selling your organisation as being an influential voice within its field, one of the most effective tools is to gather statistics-backed market insights. Improving credibility through thorough research and quantifiable content will help drive relevant traffic to your website and ultimately increase shareability. This in turn will lead to a drastic increase in positive brand exposure – the ultimate measure of an effective PR campaign.

Extensive research into your subject area will ensure you have a well-informed, more all-encompassing comms strategy as the driving force behind brand messaging. This in turn focuses efforts on what will connect most effectively with your target audience. It will help increase relevance and give direction to every piece of content that you create, regardless of the messaging channel.

Where to get the PR research and statistics from

In PR, understanding your customers and the industry is key, and effective research will help unearth key audience insights, in turn building a more impactful campaign. There is no shortage of tools available to help you dig up key information and statistics. Some options include:

  • The best research is done through independent research houses. One of Origin Comms’ favourites is Vanson Bourne who dig deep, devise specific questions and reach target audiences to get the best, most valuable information and statistics.
  • Surveys can be used across a number of your channels including blogs, webinars and data visualisation. They can be timely and ‘of the moment’. An example of a quick survey is to conduct a poll, and Origin Comms has used results of such polls to raise awareness of a topic or generate press coverage, using the survey results and often in a matter of days.

Origin Comm’s Top Tips!

Once you have the research, here are some of Origin Comms’ ‘top tips’ on how to use the research as a PR tool:

Make sure you have a news angle

It is difficult to research a topic without a news angle. Knowing what you are discussing and why, your audience and any time-sensitive associated issues, will help direct research and ensure quality information and statistics are found. This will ensure that time spent exploring the topic is directed and productive.

Don’t be afraid to big yourself up by amplifying your message across all your channels

Quality, relevant, accurate content takes time and money to research and put together. Make the most of the work put in and be sure to share it across multiple channels.

Ensure you produce regular, well-researched content

Another outcome from our recent Media Consumption Report for 2021  found that “respondents to our media consumption survey said that they would no longer trust an article after two months.” Ensuring current, accurate and up-to-date information backed up by in-depth research and statistics is key in your PR strategy.

How can we help?

As a dedicated IT security and technology PR agency supporting multiple businesses across various industries, we know how to deliver the right message to the right audience at the perfect time.

Our team of researchers and copywriters will work together to craft highly effective PR and content marketing pieces that give your brand credibility, and then broadcast it across all relevant channels to reach your target audience.

Get in touch to discuss how we can support your business and its PR strategy.